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英文金融日記#4|學習一項技能最快速的方式是 直接跳進去

Updated: Nov 17, 2022










  • 英文市場資訊蒐集、編譯

  • 開發海外客戶、經營

  • 詢價、報價 (成本計算、利率換算等)

  • 進出口貿易概念

  • 在書店遇見這本書 (讓我對被動收入有更深入了解)

後記: 下列以英文分享對於這本書的讀後感

I have been curious about how richer get richer. In 2014, while being a salesperson responsible for the French market in an international trading company, I was aware that doing a nine-to-five job was hard to save for retirement. I didn't know how to do it until I read a book.

I was at KH train station one morning on my way to work as usual. While passing by a bookstore, a book named 小資女艾蜜莉:我的資產翻倍存股筆記 suddenly caught my attention from a bookshelf. After reading over her story, I knew I found my answers.

The author Emily, just like many people, has a minimum income every month and experiences being laid off. Her story teaches people that ordinary laborers can have extraordinary life using an appropriate financial plan. It is my first book in terms of investment. Before reading, I thought the stock market was for people who were good at mathematics. With low confidence in math, I used to believe there was no way to bridge the gap between me and investment.

Nevertheless, Emily changed the way I think. In the book, she explains the profound in simple terms. Not only can I understand how to get started from ground zero, but I also learn about how she completes her financial goal little by a little while having a nine-to-five job.

I was inspired by the book a lot. Currently, I am working on it. My progress may seem slow but it is steady toward my goals.

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