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Wellinght Coffee, The Best Insta-Worthy Cafe in Gangshan

Updated: Apr 8, 2022


**心得** 寫作是一個有趣的學問,雖然要費盡心思、絞盡腦汁,而且要透過持續不斷的練習,才能再精進用字遣詞與文學造詣,但每每看到成品後,甘之如飴。

** 自我評分** 還是有很大的進步空間。希望自己持續大量閱讀中、英文讀物,累積英文單字和靈感。

**感謝的話** 1.感謝光井咖啡的親切招待與溫暖笑容,讓咖啡的風味體驗增添許多精彩片刻。 2.謝謝姐姐開車到岡山,帶給我們這麼棒的體驗。 3.還有黃媽咪的攝影技巧分享也很重要。 4.最後,感謝Dustin遠距與我們分享照片的歡樂與美好,

My family and I are big fans of high-end specialty coffee. Taking a road trip to discover new flavors has become one of our family activities in leisure time. This time, Winnie, my twin sister, took advantage of New Year's holidays to take us to 光井咖啡 ( Wellinght Coffee), which is one of her favorite coffee shops.

" I am interested in Wellinght very much." said Winnie. She used to be a barista in Artigiano a few years ago. While working there, Winnie happened to learn about the store. She soon made up her mind to visit there.

" Wellinght Coffee is founded in 2017 in Gangshan (岡山), a southern town in Kaohsiung. It is renowned for its coffee flavors and building appearance. The store has become one of Insta-Worthy Cafes in the area. The owner of the café hopes to share sunshine and a cup of warm coffee with city residents. " said Winnie. She was introducing the brand's story excitedly while we were on the way to Gangshan.

" The design of the building is as unique as coffee itself. You will soon realize how different it is from the others. " Added Winnie.

Upon arrival, not only did we take many interesting pictures, but we also had two kinds of coffee, Ethiopia Guji Chirissa and Latte. After tasting Chirissa, we were immediately attracted by its stunning mouthfeel. We love bright with a juicy acidity and fruit flavors. Furthermore, the mouthfeel of Latte surprised us a lot. And then, we had another 3 cups in a row. That was a memorable coffee tasting experience.

If you love experiencing an atmosphere of countryside and being interested in sitting on the bench outside of the house like locals, it is worthwhile for you to stop at Wellinght Coffee, as you can enjoy a good cup of coffee under the sunshine while listening to the birds singing.


Wellinght Coffee's information:

1. Find out more on FB 光井咖啡 Wellinght Coffee

2. Address: No.6, Ln. 30, Weiren Rd., Gangshan Dist., Kaohsiung City 820002, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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