下方是一位香港的英文老師 Esmond 分享寫作進步的技巧,至今仍然受用。希望將來有時間,可以大量書寫,來精進自己的英文寫作功力。
You will not be able to improve your English writing skills unless you write. This is no different from riding a bike. You might be able to explain how to ride a bike, but your explanation does not translate into riding in the absence of practice. Indeed when you are on a bike, you will understand what it means to keep your balance.
As with riding, writing comes with mistakes. You can feel it yourself as you are not content with what you have written. You probably know how to correct some of your mistakes without help. However, if you look for faster progress or a higher standard, advice from others might be preferable. The key is be aware of your mistakes so that you do not make the same mistakes.
by Esmond