Jul 8, 2022旅遊專欄Diary: Meeting with an Entrepreneur in Pintung#大和頓物所 I was in Pintung this morning, meeting with a young entrepreneur for his business. It was my pleasure to discuss strategies with...
Apr 8, 2022重要的小事感謝學生用心珍惜我們的共同回憶今天一早,收到學生傳來的照片,原來是小小仙人掌,經過3個多月長大了,長高了,還發芽了,好開心啊! 而且還有一個小牌子,寫著我們的代號! 這是去年12月24日在聖誕節的前夕,特別為外籍生規劃一個手作DIY水泥盆栽的活動,讓學生動動手也動動腦,既療癒也紓壓。活動結束後,仙人掌也...
Nov 7, 2016重要的小事Less is MoreWorking with people who have down syndrome and intellectual disabilities has brought me a lot of joy and insight as well as a new...